public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags twitter & "springnet blogmarks"

11 July 2007

Remember The Milk - Services / Remember The Milk for Twitter

by 1 other
Add rtm as your friend, and you can add and interact with your tasks by direct message (and get reminders too!).

supposed to be a great twitter app but right now it's got me stumped. Tweet me if you know how this thing works. I'm a big delicious user too * the mystery app! *

Top 10 Twitter Apps

by 1 other
FranticIndustries and the Twitter Fan Wiki together present a comprehensive list of Twitter mash-ups and extensions. But what to try first? Here's our selection of the most interesting and practical Twitters apps. 1. Twitter Atlas - 755 people sent 2766 messages to Twitter!

At you only have 140 characters to tell your story. But if you use TwitterMail we will keep the full message here and post the first 140 characters to Twitter with a 'Read More' link at the end. - 753 people sent 2763 messages to Twitter!

by 1 other
How TwitterMail works When you give us your Twitter credentials we supply you with a TwitterMail email address. For instance [email protected]. If you send an email to that address it will be posted to

08 July 2007

03 July 2007

TwitterGram: Home

by 1 other
A TwitterGram has a title and a small MP3 file. The title explains the gram, it must be no longer than 75 characters, to allow room for the URL of the MP3, which is about 50 characters.

01 July 2007

Search Twitter

At the time I built this page, Twitter had no searching mechanism for finding new friends. T

21 June 2007


by 1 other
schedule your tweets in advanced (their server is overloaded though)

Stalking 2.0: The Websites that Track Your Every Move (Voluntarily!)

we round up 12 services that want to track your every move - voluntarily. of interest to twitterers.

18 June 2007

WPTWIT at Newly Ancient

WPTWIT is a plugin for WordPress which integrates Twitter into your site. With a useful sidebar widget and a powerful templating system, this plugin allows you to keep your visitors updated with your latest tweets.

09 June 2007

gtwitter - Google Code

by 3 others
GTK+ based app for Linux written using Mono/C# and Gnome Libraries. Twitterific - like.

08 June 2007

Thanks for the hat tip on twitter. Great Blog!

07 June 2007

Your dashboard on

you need this for twitterfeed... use your yahoo id as an openid for posting to twitter from


by 1 other
use to post to twitter


by 2 others
post to twitter from

05 June 2007 Post to Twitter from Ubuntu Deskbar

Deskbar is a Gnome widget you can embed in a panel and can be used for opening applications, opening items from your browser history, doing web searches and all sorts

Flußgeist / L'attente / waiting (2007) Gregory Chatonsky

by 1 other
weirdest, strangest twitter mashup of all. mixes videos, photos, music and twitter .... strangely fascinating

29 May 2007

Shankar Ganesh | Tech Blog » Blog Archive » Twitter Greasemonkey Scripts Collection

I’ve been using Twitter for the past few days and I’m hooked. I searched for some Greasemonkey scripts for twitter and found these.

27 May 2007

Twitter Hacks

TwitKu lets you post to either or both at the same time. Slick, now lets see someone do that in a client!

26 May 2007

TweetVolume : Home

by 1 other
enter a few words or phrases and see how often they appear on twitter

24 May 2007

Twitter Facts

by 3 others, 5 comments
Twitter users within the global Twitter community can be categorized according to different criteria. Based on the number of Twitter messages published and the number of followers I have identified 4 types of Twitter users

22 May 2007

Research, Promote And Monetize Your Online Writing: A Blogger's Guide To Twitter - Robin Good's Latest News

Research, Promote And Monetize Your Online Writing: A Blogger's Guide To Twitter... yes you too can get rich with twitter!